As the final day of Passover winds down, the vibrant celebration of Mimouna begins across Israel, a holiday deeply rooted in Moroccan Jewish tradition. This celebration, symbolizing unity and the...
“A concrete kennel, measuring 2.5m x 3m. Most often, it is unbearable due to the cold and dampness. Water collects on the floor, and the window is tiny. The...
Every artist embarks on a path of self-discovery. Any time I find inspiration to create and to paint, I find myself on a journey of trying to comprehend what...
Toronto, Atlanta (24/10 – 10) Not too long ago, “Halloween”, a contraction of the Christian holiday known as “All Hallows’ Eve,” was a time...
Originating from North Africa’s Maghreb cuisine, harira is a traditional tomato-based soup with chickpeas and lentils typically served to break the daily...